
I want my salon to be a place for all types of people feel welcomed. I want my salon to be a place my clients can go to relax or have a good laugh depending on what they need. I want my salon to be a place my clients go when they are feeling down and need to be reminded how beautiful they are. I want my salon to be a place that is filled with creative energy. I want my salon to be an environment where everyone knows what PLUR stands for and follows those principles. Peace Love Unity and Respect. 🖤

Business Hours

9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 8 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 6 PM

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel within 48hrs there will be no charge. Cancel within 24hr and you will be charged 25% of your scheduled service. If you no show/no call me and it’s the first time it happened you will be charged 50% of your scheduled services. If you you no show/no call me more than once you will be charged 100% of your scheduled services. I do charge 100$ an hour for all color services so if you schedule a 4hr appointment that is 400$. I understand things happen so please message me if you are not able to make it in! Especially if you are not feeling well and need to reschedule. 🖤